Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Merry Christmas from My Family to Yours!

I had the intention of writing a few more blog posts, getting a few more recipes out there before Christmas. But, you know what? It doesn't matter. Yes, I wish I had more content for you all to read. Yes, I feel behind during this holiday season. Yet, I'm keeping myself busy with the things that are most important: making memories with my family. This is my husband's and my first married Christmas, and it's also my first Christmas away from home. While the latter part makes me sad, I'm so blessed to be able to talk to them on Christmas and spend it with my husband's family, and this year, we're forming a new tradition of at least skyping with the family that we're away from. Next year, we may not even be able to see either family side due to my husband's job, and that's ok. We're together, and I can't thank God enough for that. I hope this Christmas season brings you joy and laughter and reminds you of all the love and blessings you have in your life! Just know, you are a blessing to me, too. :)

Our 2014 Christmas Card!
I'll be back with a couple more posts before the New Year (at least, I hope!), and then, there are new changes for the future of this blog starting after the New Year (most likely around the end of January). I can't wait to show you what's in the works! :)

With love and wishes for the most Merry Christmas,
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Much Love!

Much Love!
