Friday, August 8, 2014

It's the Little Things...

Out of the blue the other day, a friend from work asked me what made my husband "special." This friend of mine is like most... struggling with the dating game and ready to settle down. I was the exact same way. In fact, I probably was ready to settle down too early and jumped in full force, even if it wasn't right in past relationships. But with my husband, there was no such thing as jumping in too early. It was just right. People are constantly judging others: "that couple has only been together two months, and they're engaged?!" "She's been with him for years, and they're not married, yet? Must not be serious." "He just broke up with that girl and now he's together with another!" Judgment all around. I'm not perfect in any way, and I will never claim to be. I have been through my share of experiences, and I have shared my portion of judgment, but it really is what is breaking down our society. Everyone has to know exactly what everyone else is up to, just for the pure fact that they want to have an opinion about it. The more social networking sites (which, don't get me wrong, are incredibly awesome, and I am so thankful for them being so far away from family and friends), the more gossip columns, the more people feel entitled to judge others. I wish we could all accept that unless we are in a person's shoes, we have no idea what is best for them.

After that soapbox, it brings me back to why my husband is special and what makes us work. There was an automatic attraction when we first met, of course, but the thing that was really special between us was the fact that I could talk to him for hours. I have always valued being best friends with one's partner to be equally as important as romance. And that is my relationship with my man to a T. We are best friends. He's the one I run to when absolutely anything happens. If I'm away for a few days or he is, I text him constantly, even though I'm not a big fan of texting, just to keep him updated and also know what's going on his life. We love doing things together, and especially anything outdoors. He makes fun of me constantly, and I'm learning to make fun of him more, too. ;) Of course, there's definitely a romantic connection, too, but I truly knew as soon as I met him that I wanted to be with him for the rest of my life. I even accidentally told him I loved him on the second day, which barely anyone knows outside of us (until now). I tried to take it back, but it was how I felt, and he said it back very soon after. Sometimes people just want a relationship to work out so badly that they force it to happen, I think. Whether this is how it is with all people, I have no idea, but I just know that everything TRULY fell into place when I met him. There was no doubt in my mind that even if we had done long distance and I had stayed in Missouri to finish school that we would still be together. We moved together, instead, and I'm so happy that I decided to move here. I absolutely love our life. But we would have worked it out either way. Not that we don't have our trials. Everyone does. But we'll get through them together.

My reply to my friend was that it was the little things that made me knew he was special. The fact that I would get so excited to see him when we first started dating, and I still do after a day away from him at work. The fact that he definitely enjoys that I make him dinner every night now that we're married after spending the majority of our dating life making me as many meals as I made him (you know it's true, hun ;)), but if he knows I've had a long day at work or it's been a rough week, I'll walk in to find him making dinner. Or cleaning. That's the best. :) The fact that he spent ALL day yesterday researching the best place for me to stay in Vegas when I go on a girls' trip with my best friend in a month, even though he doesn't get to go along since he works. The "flowers" I get (in the form of an orchid plant) because he hates spending money on things that die, but he knows how much I adore getting flowers, so I get a plant that I can try keep alive for longer than a few days. And I adore orchids. :) The fact that he is taking me to see a musical that I have wanted to see FOREVER, even though it's really expensive and not something he's looking forward to. The fact that he will write me small notes and leave messages on the chalkboard on our fridge for me, even though he finds it silly that I love them so much and leave them for him. The fact that he promised me we wouldn't exchange gifts on our wedding day, but he couldn't resist getting me this:

It's the little things that keep the romance alive, but I just told her that you know when it's right for you. I hope that is how it is for everyone else, or I might be speaking out of turn. But, either way, that's exactly how it was for us, and I am so grateful for this man and for our marriage and family. I can't wait for every life event with him by my side, and I dream about it daily.

Whether a couple has been dating for two days or two decades, it doesn't matter. It's up to them to decide their love story. And I wish all the couples in the world a love like we have and hope every woman and man gets just as excited as I do to see their significant other after a long day away.

As long as he is by my side, I promise I will be just fine. :)

Sorry, ladies, "he's all mine!" :)


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  1. Preach it girl!!!! When you and Randy first started dating, people would ask me about it and I would just smile and say it works. And let's talk about the looks I get when I say how long Nick and I have been dating. *sigh* Let this be a reminder (to me) to not judge cause it sucks when you're judged. And aww, thanks Randy for finding a great hotel for us!! You've got a keeper Gen but you obviously realize this. :)

  2. aww you guys are so beautiful together!!
    I totally agree Gen! thanks for this!

    1. Thank you for commenting and reading and for the nice words!! :)


Your comments make my day! I look forward to hearing from you! -Gen

Much Love!

Much Love!
